Hello everyone,

I hope that you are all fine! I’m deeply grateful to God to share with you a new piece of music called « He Prays For Her ». It’s a masculine response to the previous orchestration named « She Prays For Him » which focused on the role of the woman in research for her husband.

The present music has two main contemplations: :

1 -) The first is to encourage every man to be saved and to become a sincere man of God.

2 -) The second one is to focus on how to prepare yourself to meet your future wife.

As my music is for everyone both believers and un-believers, I will try to stay as simple and basic as possible. If you’re a man and if you have never heard about The Love Jesus has for you, I encourage you to read this article I wrote here : Are You Saved?. You may have heard of Jesus but don’t know Him, or maybe you have been disappointed with people proclaiming to be Christians and ended up being hurt, I encourage you to go way above this.

The real Jesus, the One from Biblical Scriptures Loves you and I wish you with all my heart to meet Him in your personal life. It’s not about churches, clergy, denominations, it’s about Jesus’s Heart and Yours. You will never be the same after encountering Him.

Simply put, God created the world. God created mankind. Mankind decided to rebel against God and death entered the world. Our mistakes, sins and wickedness severed our relationship with Him. We can’t save ourselves, so God decided to become a man (since it’s the human race that must be saved) and came down on Earth. He then lived a morally and spiritually perfect life (the one we all should have lived) — without sinning once, and finally offered His Life in our place on The Cross. The third day, He Resurrected, proving who He claimed to be : God.

In order for us to be purified and brought back to our Creator, Jesus had to die, so that our sins would be transferred to His body to die as well. He paid the legal price of our sins, being a substitute. Jesus says that if you believe He died and rose for you, and accept His gift of Salvation, you are now a saved person. You won’t have to answer for your own sins on Judgment Day, because you’ve believed that God paid the penalty for them to bring you back to Him. You will also be offered Eternal Life. As we said earlier, we were not created to die.

Living now for Christ will be decisive, you’re a brand new person, the past is gone, so are your mistakes, just like your old identity that made you do bad things (big or small).

What does it mean to become a man? What is a man?

If we don’t have an ultimate foundation on what constitute masculinity, all is left to us is complete subjectivism, more or less shaped by culture. It won’t ever be stable, for culture and philosophies change all the time. If we believe Jesus, then our reference regarding masculinity won’t change at all. It might not be popular — often regarded as counter cultural — but at least, you can be sure that it won’t be shaken.

If you want to become a man, and embrace Biblical masculinity, simply observe Jesus-Christ of Nazareth and imitate Him. I will try to split the contemplation into different layers and stay focused on the big lines.

1 ) — The Spirital
2 ) — Your Character
3 ) — Holiness

4 ) — Work
5) — The Physical
6) — Sexuality

The Spiritual is pivotal. You have a spirit, and your spirit needs to receive Jesus’s Spirit, which is called « The Holy Spirit ». When you receive it, It will guide you to all truth and change you from the inside to the outside. It will comforts you and help you in all possible way to become like Christ.

Your Character : God shapes you through patience and waiting. Sometimes this comes at the price of a certain number of trials and difficulties. He lovingly erases the bad traits and wrong inclinations of heart that you and I have. He purifies you, removes evil and puts virtue inside. He makes you strong and prepares you for your future, to make it easier and smoother. The sooner we take care of our character and personality, the better for the future, and the fewer problems we’ll have. If we soften our hearts and accept God to change us according to His will, it will even come faster. Most of the problems society has today are problems caused by unprocessed character, simply because that we did not take it seriously. (divorce, violence, addictions, you name them etc.).

You can be 18 or 50, there’s no age limit to become a man of God and see your character transformed. Use what you have at hand to train yourself. If you live with your mother, father or both parents, train yourself now, look after them, love them, help them, show them you’ve changed. Become a true gentleman, even in the little things. Clean the house, cut the grass if you have any, do the groceries, never be ashamed to say you’re sorry if you’ve done something wrong. Destroy your ego, don’t let it ruin your life. You need to become Christ-like and shine in your ecosystem. Truly fall in love with the process. You may be the only light they’ll ever have, seize this opportunity to change their lives too. Your opponent is yourself in the ring. Don’t lie. Destroy anger at all costs. Embrace patience and humility. Jesus died for you and me, so we must adopt the virtue of sacrifice in our lives too. Remember that if God gives you a wife and family, their shield will be Him, of course — but so will you. You will be their protection and their roof. God has called you and me to protect and watch over them. Women and children are vulnerable; if you’re not there for them, imagine the ruins! Don’t be discouraged if you fall along the way; it happens to all of us. Get up and keep pushing, always ask God to forgive you, and push through.

Remember that God loves you and is touched to see you walk in His way. Never be discouraged or pay attention to what the devil may say to your heart to destroy you. We are all sinners. Don't go back to your old life, even if you think it was easier. It's really depressing not to make progress —  and our lives, before knowing God was like this. Keep pushing, and you'll rejoice to see yourself so different by God's Grace and Spirit.

Holiness : Jesus says that God is Holy, which means pure, so we too must become Holy. Identify and neutralize all the bad influences in your life that promote a sinful lifestyle — stealing, lying, drugs, alcohol, violence, sex outside marriage (God isn’t against sex but has His own directions for it), pornography, swearing, gossiping, jealousy, hatred, idolatry, any kind of esoterism —and turn your back on these things. From friends to the media you consume, bad movies, bad series or bad music, whatever the field, kindly avoid them. Do your research and choose only the good things that push you forward. Good movies, good music, good books, good videos to watch. Clean up your instagram or social networks, follow only good content. The Spirit of Christ in you will make the process so much easier. Again, I encourage you to fall in love with the process. And, as I said above, if you fall in course, don’t get discouraged, ask for forgiveness and get back up, we all fall short.

Pray all the time, talk to God all the time, in your mind or out loud. Read the Scriptures as much as you can, as often as you can. If you don’t understand a passage, google some commentaries. (I use the Bible Hub app). Be patient with yourself too. The Bible is sufficient, put nothing beside it or above it, for it will be your absolute foundation in life.

Work: Ask God for a job you love. If you’d rather become an entrepreneur and run a business, ask God for wisdom and direction to create one that’s fully suited to God and your life. A business that gives you plenty of time to work for God and your family. Be clean in your money, don’t scam anyone, nor the person nor the goverment. Select the main passions you have, and think about how you can turn one of them into work. If you prefer salaried work, it’s the same thing, ask God to find the best solution for you, that can leave you plenty of time to work for Christ and care for your loved ones. Make yourself a good heart, be generous, to the poor and whoever one in need, God will reward you being like this. Be patient in the process too, all good things take time!

The physical : God created us a body, demonstrating that both spirit and body are important. Jesus says it is God’s Temple, telling us how we should treat it. Optimize your waiting period to work on it! It’s good to eat well, exercise and have good hygiene. Become the best version of yourself for God and your future wife (although God will always love you, even at your lowest). Aim for elegance; The Temple of God was the pinnacle of Elegance! You don’t need fancy things to be well dressed. You can find beautiful clothes without spending a lot of money. Find good references on Pinterest, whatever suits you best, from hair to shoe take your time and ask God what whould fit you well. Did you know that Jesus Himself wore perfume?

Sexuality : This is a very important area to consider, as we live in an over-sexualized world. Note that sexuality is extremely beautiful and is a gift from God. God is for sexuality, not against it (He created it). He structures and protects it through Marriage and commitment. In the Bible, there’s an entire book about love and sexuality written in an erotic setting called « The Song of Songs », which encourages us to develop a fulfilling and consistent sexuality throughout our lives. God steers us away from counterfeit sexuality, such as fornication or pornography. The very act of making love is about being one with the person you truly love — it’s highly sacred. We can’t be one person with many people.

It’s not perfect, but I’ve tried to be as transparent as possible in sharing the Biblical Worldview with you! I’ll try to add more content below, both in the form of books and videos if you’re interested in deepening your faith! I love you all very much! Thank you so much for being here! God bless you!

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